
Thursday, January 15, 2009

A bitter fruit for better weight loss

lose weight temporarily, but most gain it all back in the long run.

Could grapefruit — touted for years as a weight loss wonder — actually work? Possibly. In one 12-week study, obese people who ate half a grapefruit before each of three daily meals shed more pounds.
    Show Me the Grapefruit: In the study, whole grapefruit also took a bite out of insulin resistance in folks with metabolic syndrome — a constellation of conditions that can raise the risk for several serious health problems.
    Go Whole: Although
grapefruit juice and grapefruit capsules also may have pound-shedding potential, whole fruit was clearly the winner in the study — because the whole fruit has appetite-controlling fibre.
Combine Your Efforts:
Exercise and a calorie-controlled diet remain the true cornerstones of weight loss, but if grapefruit helps, great! However, if you're taking medications of any kind, talk to your doctor before adding grapefruit to the mix. Try these other tips: Walking has the highest stick-to-it rate of any exercise. Be sane. Fad diets may help some people

WONDER FOOD: Grapefruit has appetite-controlling fibre

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