
Sunday, May 24, 2009

What is your body trying to tell you? Secret signs to watch out for

Did you know your body often uses visual clues to tell you it's under the weather? It's simply a case of knowing what to look for
Miriam Stoppard
Posted On Thursday, May 21, 2009   

This might be a change in your eyes or nails or a mouth ulcer that points to an underlying health condition. As a doctor, I have been trained to spot these telltale signs - it's a vital part of making a medical diagnosis.

As part of my exams for the Royal College of Physicians, one of the tests was to work out what was wrong with a patient by looking only at their hands, and another by studying just their face.

There's no real mystery - it's all about careful observation and noticing any tiny differences in shape or colour. All doctors become good at this.

But by knowing some of the more obvious signs to look out for, you can do some detective work yourself - and learn to spot when something is wrong...

Secret signs to watch out for...


Red rims

/ What it could mean: Dermatitis - cosmetics or allergies such as hayfever are very common sources of eyelid irritation.
/ What to do: Stop using any new eye products and visit a pharmacy for a soothing, anti-inflammatory cream. Symptoms should clear in a few days or see your GP.

Pale ring around the iris
/ What it could mean: It is caused by fatty deposits and can reflect the health of your arteries - it suggests you're at higher risk of heart disease or stroke.
/ What to do: Talk to your GP about having a heart health check, including cholesterol test.

Fatty white spots around the lid
/ What it could mean: This can also mean too much fat in the blood and indicate high cholesterol levels.
/ What to do: Get your cholesterol checked as soon as possible.

Pale inner lid
/ What it could mean: This usually means you are anaemic and lacking iron, which is crucial for the healthy production of red blood cells.
/ What to do: Your GP can prescribe iron supplements to boost your levels.

Yellow tinge to the eyes
/ What it could mean: Jaundice or other liver or gall bladder problems.
/ What to do: Visit your doctor for further tests immediately.

One droopy eye
/ What it could mean: If the face, in particular the eye or mouth, is drooping on one side it can indicate Bell's palsy (a temporary facial paralysis) or possibly a mild stroke.
/ What to do: See a GP immediately.


Spoon-shaped nails that curl up at the sides
/ What it could mean: Spoon nails are a sign of the iron-deficiency anaemia.
/ What to do: See your GP for a blood test

Rounding or 'clubbing' of nails in all directions
/ What it could mean: This condition results from low oxygen levels in your blood and could be a sign of lung disease. Clubbing is also associated with inflammatory bowel disease and liver disease.
/ What to do: If you're not already receiving treatment for one of these conditions, see a GP as soon as possible.

Horizontal nail ridges
/ What it could mean: Known as Beau's lines, these ridges appear when nail growth is interrupted by injury or severe illness, like uncontrolled diabetes or a virus accompanied by a high fever, such as mumps.
/ What to do: Nothing - provided you've fully recovered from the illness.

Inflammation of joints closest to fingertips
/ What it could mean: These joints tend to be affected by osteoarthritis - the type caused by general wear and tear on joints as we get older.
/ What to do: Your GP can prescribe treatment - usually rest, painkillers and anti-inflammatories.

Inflammation of knuckles
/ What it could mean: If the knuckle joints nearest the wrist are inflamed it's more likely to be rheumatoid arthritis causing the problem - an autoimmune disease where the body immune system attacks the joints.
/ What to do: Your GP can treat the condition with a combination of painkillers, anti-rheumatic drugs and steroids.


Cracks at the corners
/ What it could mean: Cracks are commonly caused by anaemia due to iron deficiency.
However, they may also suggest diabetes, as high levels of blood glucose encourages the growth of candida, a yeast-like infection in the corners of the mouth.
/ What to do: If your GP finds you're anaemic he can prescribe iron tablets and you can increase your intake of iron-rich foods such as red meat and leafy green veg.
And see your GP immediately if you notice any of the other symptoms of diabetes - including weight loss, thirst and a frequent need to urinate.

Blue lips
/ What it could mean: This indicates a lack of oxygen in the blood and in older people suggests a lung disease such as emphysema. However in children, the bluish tinge can occur with an acute lung infection such as bronchitis.
/ What to do: Take your child to casualty immediately.

White patches on the tongue
/ What it could mean: Creamy white patches on the tongue are most often a sign of oral thrush infection but, more rarely, they can indicate cancer
/ What to do: An anti-fungal mouthwash will clear thrush but if the patches don't go away after treatment they need to be checked by your doctor to rule out cancer.

/ What it could mean: Ulcers can be caused by stress, or by accidental damage from brushing your teeth too hard or biting the inside of your mouth.
More rarely, however, they can indicate mouth cancer.
/ What to do: Ulcers can be treated with an antiseptic mouthwash or gel and they usually heal within a week. However, if they last for more than two weeks, you should have them checked by your dentist.

Source: Daily Mirror

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