
Thursday, April 18, 2013

Bite into a juicy watermelon

With the unrelenting heat bearing down on the city, what better way to cool down than to bite into a juicy watermelon? Not only does this fruit taste great but it also has a host of health benefits... 

    Watermelons are packed with vitamin A (good for the eyes), vitamin C (boosts immunity, repairs wounds and promotes healthy teeth and gums) and vitamin B6 (improves brain function and converts protein to energy.) 
    Rich in anti-oxidants, they are low in calories and make for a perfect 
health drink. Watermelons comprise 92% water and are devoid of fat and cholesterol. And because of their high water content, they also tend to make you feel full faster. 
    While buying watermelons, look out for those which are firm and slightly symmetrical. Keep an eye out for cuts. A slightly yellowish tinge on one side indicates that the watermelon is packed with juice and is sweet. 
    The fruit is also packed with potassium, which is known to improve muscle and nerve function. It also reduces inflammation, which contributes to asthma, diabetes, colon cancer and arthritis.

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